Thank you for making our very first Presents for Puppies signature event a tremendous success!

Your support, enthusiasm, and generosity helped us gather essential supplies and funds to care for our rescue puppies.

Although the event has ended, our work continues—and you can still make a difference.

Visit our Virtual Giving Tree to contribute much-needed items and help us provide ongoing love and care to these deserving dogs. Every donation counts!

Become a Hope Hero Today!

By becoming a Hope Hero, you’re not just a supporter – you’re a member of Our Pack, a HERO to Texas momma dogs and puppies in need. Your monthly commitment empowers us to dream bigger, reach further, and save more lives.

With your help, we can SAVE MORE DOGS!

Local Giving Trees

Thanks to our incredible Giving Tree partners and the generosity of our local community, we collected more than 240 donations! These essential supplies will directly support our efforts to provide the best possible care for our puppies. Your kindness makes a real difference in their lives—thank you!

Giving Tree Partners

Signature Event & Silent Auction

Thank you to everyone who joined us at our first Presents for Puppies event! Families and kids enjoyed exploring our family-oriented baskets at the Silent Auction, learning from dog training demonstrations, and, of course, meeting our adorable puppies.

The community’s enthusiasm and support were heartwarming. We loved sharing more about our mission, ways to volunteer, and the fulfilling experience of fostering rescue puppies.

A heartfelt thank-you to all who donated Presents for Puppies Giving Tree items and made monetary contributions during the event. Your generosity will help us continue our work, giving these dogs the love, care, and brighter futures they deserve.

Tuesday, December 3, 2024

5pm-9pm *All Ages Welcome

Trailbreaker Cider

(2204 N. Madson St. Liberty Lake)

Thank You to our Amazing Silent Auction Donors!